Now normally I would just scroll past something such as this but last week I was shown a clip from TED Talks during one of my Lectures at University and it really made me think about the differences in the world. The overall message of the piece was that sometimes it takes us travelling to the other side of the world to realise biases we didn't know that we had.
Jane McGonigal: The Designer Behind SuperBetter |
Most of all she talks about how games got her though a very serious time where he was incredibly depressed. Now I am not stranger to seeing how games help those who are depressed (One of my favourite content producers for GameSpot - Danny O'Dwyer - Did a video called Video Games vs. Depression and honestly opened my eyes) but the way in which she used games to help her through her period of depression was inspiring.
Not only that but she made this game into something other people can use in their life. She created a game called SuperBetter and she saw how it has changed the life of so many people who are using this game to achieve personal health goals but not only that, she shows you how you can use this game to give you extra time on this planet.
I don't want to ramble on about this too much because you guys should all go watch it and see how this game and, well, what she says in general can change how you look at life.
If you are looking on Netflix look for TED Talks: Life Hacks and it is listed as Episode 2 however, if you don't have Netflix (or cannot be bothered to go looking for it) click >> Here << and it should take you to the free version on the TED Talks website.
SuperBetter can also be downloaded on the Google Play Store for £3.18, on the IOS store for £3.99 or you can play it in our browser by going to
She has also wrote a book called "Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change The World" which at the time of writing this can be purchased from Amazon for £7.99.
If you also like what I show you of Mr. Danny O'Dwyer then click >> Here << to be taken to a playlist for his latest show, The Point, where he talks about video games and stuff.
Anyway Guys, thanks for reading, I hope these videos help to see things in a different light as well.
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